Interview with celebrity chef Egon Heiss

“Schiefer as a partner? Definitely!”

The highest art is omitting what is not essential. Award-winning chef Egon Heiss believes this to be true. For several years now, he has been astounding guests at the *****Hotel Castel Fragsburg near Merano with his culinary masterpieces. He has cooked for politicians, Formula 1 stars and billionaires before – but after all these experiences, he’s decided to return to the perfection of simplicity. It’s not surprising that his philosophy of cuisine also includes having a close partnership with regional producers. In an interview, he tells us why Schiefer won him over right from the beginning.
How long have you been working with Schiefer?
I’ve been working with the Schiefer Company for about 10 years.

What do you value most about the partnership?
During the last few years I’ve been able to get to know and value Stefan Schiefer and his company better and better. I especially value his creative spirit and unconditional drive to continually improve the quality of his range.

Did you already know about the Schiefer fish farm or how did you find out about it?
About 10 years ago I ordered the first Psairer Arctic char from Schiefer via the Galloni Company. I can still remember it very clearly.

Are issues such as sustainability or origin of the products important, or is the quality above all what is most important for you?
What really gets me excited about Schiefer is the “big picture”. Regional principles paired with quality and reliability.

Had you already visited the Schiefer fish farm yourself?
I had already been to the fish farm a few times and was able to learn how complex and difficult it is to breed fish, if you consider that at Schiefer they are in a natural environment and are able to develop in their natural rhythm.

What’s the best dish that you have ever cooked with a Schiefer product?

As we are constantly evolving, I hope that I am yet to cook the best dish with a Schiefer product!

Do you believe that the guests can taste the difference too? Have you ever received a special compliment for one of your fish dishes?
Because we live in a society that is “supersaturated” in every regard, as chef de cuisine, my job is also to tell the guests about the origin and history of the food that we use through my dishes. This totally transforms their appreciation, and the dishes are enjoyed with consideration.

Would you recommend Schiefer as a partner for upscale gastronomy?


Schiefer in three words?
Nature, quality, reliability.

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